Featured Book

From Asparagus to Zucchini:

A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce

Ever wonder how you’ll ever be able to use all those vegetables?  This classic original, From Asparagus to Zucchini, answers the perennial question of What Do I DO with ALL that Zucchini?  As well as those armloads of fresh greens, exotic herbs, and even never-before-seen vegetables.  Featuring a helpful Intro Chapter by Nancy Lee Bentley herself!

Selections from

Nancy Lee Bentley’s Bookshelf


Contributing author to Dr. Mercola’s TOTAL HEALTH Program with NY Times Best Selling, Dr. Joseph Mercola; Author & Publisher of her own ‘opus,’  now evergreen cookbook & nourishment guide,  Truly Cultured: Rejuvenating Taste, Health and Community with Naturally Fermented Foods;  and  Woodstock Window on Food & Health Activity & Coloring Book,  among many other articles and features in trade and consumer publications, portals and websites, including as featured expert on SelfGrowth.com, Amava Circles and YourTango.com.

Woodstock Window


Relax and enjoy yourself with this fun and funny activity book and deepen your understanding of how the essence or spirit of Woodstock lives on and continues to impact our present and future lives.

Truly Cultured

Truly Cultured is a delicious and nutritious feast of facts, recipes and figures, quips, quotes, quizzes, history, food science, anecdotes and insights, puns, myths, secrets, how-to tips, tidbits and unabashed, call-it–like-it-is power truths that help readers understand how important live, cultured, fermented foods – and the microorganisms that produce them – are to our health, environment and communities.

The Cinderella Monologues

Humorous and revealing, these stories pull back the curtain into the courageous lives of women brave enough to search for their true purpose.

Dr. Mercola’s Total Health Program

Designed to help prevent disease, premature aging, optimize weight, increase energy, and love what you eat while doing so.

Beyond Coincidence

Help us Make this amazing book a Best Seller on Launch Day, May 30th Please buy a kindle digital copy of the Beyond Coincidence book from Amazon between 1 & 5 pm Eastern 5/30/24 for $1.88 instant download. Together, we can make this an Amazon best seller!!

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